… which is a collection of “beautiful, free photos. Gifted by the world’s most generous community of photographers.”
Although there is a lot of noise online in general, if one can filter it out a bit, there exists so much beauty to be discovered. I took a few screenshots of some of the collections at Unsplash. Magic for the eyes, and heart…
I am buying into this free and available open source idea more and more. So much of the world has access to the internet now. Although I believe we each have to take responsibility to curb our own personal appetites for spending too much time staring at a screen – we really do live in a time where we can experience the world over on our phones.
If we keep in mind that this should be in addition to our real lives, and not a replacement of our real lives – what an abundant source of beauty and ideas we have at our fingertips.
Along with my intentional leanings towards a more minimalist way of spending my life with those I love, I intend to use the online world to fill some of the spaces with beauty. Beautiful places, creations and ideas… I see that as a fitting use of technology as any other…