Krista O’Reilly-Davi-Digui of A Life in Progress wrote an article called “I Joyfully Decluttered These 5 Things to Boost Happiness”. I came across it as I receive and read Joshua Becker’s emails from Becoming Minimalist and it was a guest post.
I enjoyed it because rather than the usual material decluttering advice, it goes straight to the more intangible aspects of creating a good life, and the idea of enough. Her strap line is Live imperfectly. On purpose. Isn’t that just right? Live consciously, but not under immense pressure to be perfect. We are humans.
She speaks about letting go of the more real yet less tangible aspects of living a more simple, less cluttered life; things that count towards a life well-lived. More to the heart of choosing a minimalist path.
I am also a woman in my 40’s and it certainly is turning out to be a powerful time, full of change and challenges, and also of greater personal peace. Enjoy the read.