With regards to my June challenges – it was a fairly good month:
- Health
- Sun salutations – health YES
- A glass of water morning and evening at least – health YES
- Run 2 x a week. But we have been cycling most days UM
- Self
- Meditation – spirituality YES
- French – 15 minutes YES
- Blinkist – 1 book a day – or some reading-learning YES
- Wealth
- Launch my own digital business! YES
- Social
- Make some new connections and contact some old UM
Again my regular running is not happening. I have dropped down to once a week. We have had lockdown school holidays on top of lockdown – so an abundance of free time has not been my reality of late.
In good news – we have all upgraded and /repaired our bicycles – so we have been riding around the village almost every day.
Other than that my daily rhythm is mostly in tact. I am meditating daily, drinking water daily, and doing my stretching daily.
I am on day 72 of uninterrupted French and am enjoying learning a little more every day.
Regarding my aim of letting stuff go – it continues to be challenging for me. I am however conscious of it.
And regarding my online business course…
I have sent my dear business baby out there and am learning more and more about what I need to learn!
- I am loving the learning and the community.
- I am sending out Simple Beautiful Instagram messages of simplicity and living according to priorities.
- I am attending some of the very valuable webinars and info sharing sessions that are hosted.
- I am working on my website.
- I am constantly learning about myself and my particular challenges in starting my own business.
- I am feeling alive and interested in all of it.
If you are interested in seeing what I am up to and loving being a part of – have a look at this video.
This month – July – the middle of winter – I intend to go inwards a bit more and focus on my business. I will still however be working on the 4 areas of life: health, wealth, self, and social.
These all support my chosen creation of a simple and beautiful life, based on those basic principles of Minimalism:
- Health
- Sun salutations
- A glass of water morning and evening at least
- Run 2 x a week
- Self
- Meditation – spirituality
- French – 15 minutes of brain gym
- Some learning – Blinkist or Medium or a podcast or video
- Visualize my future
- Write a minimum of 1 page of free-flow creative writing
- Take photos of my beautiful local haunts
- Some quiet fun activity with the girls
- Wealth
- Spend 2 hours minimum a day on my digital business
- Social
- Focus on social media this month!
Sun Salutations – daily
Water – daily
Run – back up to twice a week. No excuses
Meditation – daily. With gratitude to my accountability women
French – tous les jours (daily) – merci Duolingo
Some learning – Blinkist or Medium or a podcast or video – I commit to reading 1 book a day – Blinkist or an article on Medium or anything else personal development or business or marketing-related. Learning every day.
Visualize – the future me, at the helm of my business, living a good and simple life, surrounded by beauty and quality and loved ones.
Write a minimum of 1 page of free-flow creative writing – because it helps my mind to flow, and because it can spark ideas, or help process anything I am finding challenging.
Take photos of my beautiful local haunts – because I have decided to use more and more of my own images in my business, to make it my own.
Some quiet, restful and connection-inducing activity with the girls – like reading Harry Potter, or colouring in, or drawing while chatting.
Online business – my new baby is out in the wide world. This month I will be focusing on social media and marketing. I commit to a minimum of 2 hours a day pouring energy into my business.
This month I am focusing on my business.
- I will be more active in the online community of which I am part.
- I will be learning about social media and upping my game.
- I will be listening to 2 webinars a week – minimum.