Our summer sunshine Christmas

  • Post published:20th December 2020

the long-suffering onethe other long-suffering one I love Christmas. There is something about the hope that the season brings speaks straight to my romantic heart. Here in Cape Town we have a sunny Southern Hemisphere Christmas, complete with beaches, salads & cooling cucumber-laced spritzers. It is…

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To journey and to be still

  • Post published:11th September 2019

Inspired by a visiting traveller friend of mine, today I counted the number of countries I have visited. I have been to 57 countries. And passed through the airports, for a day or night, of 3 more. So that is almost 60 different countries of which…

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The simple wisdom of Heidi

  • Post published:12th July 2018

My eldest & I are reading Heidi Grows Up at the moment, having read Heidi and become hooked - to the simple story, and perhaps more to the descriptive prose that conjure up almost tangible scenes, sounds and scents of the Swiss Alps. We read a…

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