This is me

I live with my husband and 2 girls in a small village on the shores of the wild cold Atlantic Ocean. This is my rescue pup Holly. We have another rescue called Timba.

I am in my 40’s and have lived about 2/3 of my life in South Africa and the rest in the UK.

I belief life is dazzling, and tough, glorious, heartbreaking and wonderful. I have set about to create consciously a life of simplicity, and beauty in all forms.

I have travelled a bit. Probably one of the most defining trips was the 2 year stint driving around Africa in an old Toyota Landcruiser, unplanned! One of the most memorable was going to Indonesia at 22 where I met the man I was to marry many years later.

I understand individual connection better than politics, economics, sport or current affairs. I believe in individuals more than systems. And I prefer not to be placed in a category.

At university I studied history of art and English and archaeology and Environmental Science. I have never been a marketer and don’t believe in pressurising people to buy stuff they don’t need or want. I have done lots of great online courses but I will never be (and don’t wish to be) a hard seller.

Seth Godin recently posted this about the measurement of – personal – success:

“… That maybe it makes sense to choose to pursue something longer term, more resilient, more important…’

Seth Godin

This is where I am at! Creating a simple beautiful life. It’s a long term plan. And it is so important to me because I believe in its value – for me and my family. And even our dogs!