On truth and beauty

  • Post published:10th March 2020

The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.Albert Einstein And so I was inspired to write a brief post about the idea of setting time aside regularly to spend some time in…

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lost and found

  • Post published:12th February 2018

I lost my blog on the weekend while I was changing themes and messing around on Wordpress.  But then I found it again with the help of my dear hosting company Afrihost. I started this blog in part to improve my online skills - Wordpress, MailChimp,…

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The Sky

  • Post published:9th February 2018

What a pic. I worked as a wedding photographer for a few years once. So I can take a photo. But I always had a suspicion that I lacked the x-factor necessary to work as a pro photographer. Which led me over some time to the…

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Art and beauty

  • Post published:11th November 2017

I am drawn to beautiful things and sights, like a moth to a flame. I studied art right through school, and loved it. I studied a little more art history at university, and loved it. I have been fortunate enough to have visited art galleries and…

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